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  New films in pre-production: coming soon

“Crossing Borders”

A satirical comedy about Jewish and Arab lifestyles and neighborhood relations.

“Crossing Borders” is a Lou Di Giorgio film. Refugees from the civil war in the Middle East are given the opportunity to live in peace without weapons in an island community. This romantic comedy tells the story of a Jewish girl, Hannah, and Aladdin, a Palestinian boy, who meet and fall in love. Their realistic romance and it's impact for change on the people around them will inspire audiences around the world.

For more information on this film, go to:

“Love Brought Me Back”

Inspired by a true story.

Aaron Moore, a devout atheist, was an accomplished artist, and a respected professor at a university. Everything about his life seemed great. But that would all change while on a trip with his students and colleagues. He had an ulcer burst and was awaiting emergency surgery in a foreign country when he realized that he was at death’s door. He found himself out of his own body, looking down on the hospital room scene below. Rather than going “toward the light,” he found himself being torturously dragged to excruciating realms of darkness and death, where he was physically assaulted by monstrous beings of evil. Desperate to escape, Moore decided to pray. Struggling to remember how, he blurted out anything he could recall that included the word “God,” from the Pledge of Allegiance to the “Battle Hymn of the Republic.” It was then and only then did he feel any sense of relief.

Finally, drawn away from death and transported to the realm of Heaven, Moore met angelic beings as well as the God of Creation. In this fascinating and completely original film, we will see his “life review,” his conversation with Jesus, even answers to age-old questions such as why the Holocaust was allowed to take place. Moore was sent back to his body with a new knowledge of the purpose of life here on earth. LOVE BROUGHT ME BACK is his message of love and hope.

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Where's Angelo Romance

Where's Angelo Boy Talk

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